This is from Montrose Baptist Church's AM worship service on August 23, 2009.
Last week, we presented a picture of authentic Christianity. If you recall, we said that authentic Christians are FAT. They are faithful, available, and teachable.
While we want to present an accurate picture of authentic Christianity, I believe that we also need to see the warnings in Scripture against counterfeit Christianity. We need to see what it was that Jesus called out. What was it that Christ condemned the most?
As we are looking at the picture this morning of a counterfeit brand of religion, let me encourage you to ask yourself, “Are you religious, really religious, or just real?”
This past week I came across a blog on the Internet that pointed a finger at how religious we have become and how unreal we have made faith in Christ. Just listen to an excerpt.
You see them all the time. You talk to them. You might even be one of them.
They are rampant in churches. You walk into church and you are greeted by them. “Good morning, how are you?” and then they turn to the next person to talk to them. You could say to them “Well, I sacrificed a small child to the great Satan this morning before pillaging the neighborhood and raping the women.” They wouldn’t know the difference because they have moved onto the next conversation. If they did realize you responded, they wouldn’t know what you said and would respond “Praise God! Well, it’s a blessing to have you here.”
Then the worship service starts and they sit and stare blankly at the pastor or whoever is making the announcements as if they care but in their minds you can just tell they are going “let’s get on with it already, there’s a game on in a little bit”.
Then comes worship time, this laughable part of the service (I say laughable because shouldn’t we be worshiping all the time? Also, this part looks so far from worship it’s pitiful.) reveals the people looking like robots, staring at the words and mouthing in unison while their eyes and posture suggest their brain is completely checked out. They are on vacation baby and loving it!
Offertory time! Oh boy! The bible instructs us to be cheerful givers and the word used really translates to hilarious. We’re supposed to be hilarious givers. Yeah, I don’t really see any happy looks on the faces of these “Christians” as they reluctantly drop their offering in the plate. What if you only get paid once every two weeks or even once a month? I’ve been in that predicament too. If you don’t happen to drop money in the plate on the weeks you don’t get paid, and pass the plate on by, then you get the courteous “I’m not judging you, but I’m judging you” look.
Then the sermon comes. Quick gut check: how many Christians do you think could tell you what the pastor preached on and what was the point of the sermon last Sunday if you asked them right now? Again blank faces, wandering minds, and sometimes even the pastor looks bored.
Uh-oh. The pastor is being moved by the spirit and now the sermon is starting to go over. Take a look around and count the people looking at their watches. You’d be surprised. Or maybe you wouldn’t. Maybe you’re a time-keeper yourself.
Finally! The sermon is over and now it’s time for the invitation. Oh no! The pastor wants us to sing another verse. This is terrible. Now the game is going to start without me for sure. If you have ever felt that way, maybe you should check your commitment to God.
Great! We’ve been to church, heard the message, praised God in song for a little while, and we even gave Him some money. Aren’t we awesome Christians? We made all the check marks. Now we can leave and get in our little cliques to talk trash about the other people at church and how lousy our pastor is and how the worship team just didn’t have it together and the songs were terrible.
I'll stop the quote there. As I read this, I began to think to myself, “Wow, what a bitter, cynical look at the church and Christians in general.” However, then I began to consider the author and the harsh truth that I believe it contains.
The author of this particular blog is, in fact, a worship leader (AKA Minister of Music). And he merely reflected on what he has seen through the years in churches.
There might be the temptation to say that this is only the case in mega-churches. However, I believe that there are plenty of times when we have taught people to simply be religious and have thrown real Christianity out the window.
This morning, you might be asking the question, “Well how do I know if I am a religious person instead of a real Christian?”
I want us to take a few moments and look at one of Jesus' teachings, and what He saw and said about those that fell into the category of “religious.”
Read text. (Matthew 23:1-12)
As we look at Jesus' teaching of the disciples and the crowds around Him, we find that He reserved some harsh words for the religious elite of the time. In fact, when you look at what Jesus typically said concerning the Pharisees, it is very similar to the commentary offered by the worship leader that I quoted a little earlier. There was no other group of people that were met with the same directness and criticism as those that would be best described as the showy religious elite.
It is clear that Jesus was very condemning of those that were merely religious. You might be saying, “Well, hold on. Christianity is a religion.” Listen, Christianity is not merely religion. It is a relationship.
This morning, we are going to break down this teaching and commentary and discover the picture that Christ presents of those that are merely religious showboats. We need to understand exactly what actions and attitudes prompted the disdain of our Savior.
When we look at those that were condemned by Christ, we first note their...
1.) Approach (v. 1-4)
“Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying: 'The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.'”
I believe that Jesus' entire opening statement about the scribes and Pharisees could be summed up in one little arrogant statement that many of you have heard before.
The entire problem with the approach of the Pharisees and scribes was the fact that they adamantly practiced the “do as I say, not as I do” philosophy.
The Pharisees were so superior and arrogant in their approach to their faith that they errantly assumed positions of prominence and leadership for the sole purpose of having the opportunity to tell others what they ought to do in their service. They were found to be completely unwilling to fulfill the law that they pushed. Instead of being faithful stewards, they were the nay saying, ultra-critical judges that were ready to crucify those that did not fulfill the law that they created. They were the showy, fair-weather, public spectacles that harbored very dark closets.
Jesus recognized injustice and evil when He saw it. He recognized hypocrisy- regardless of how guarded and covered it may be.
But, Jesus did not merely stop with urging the masses to follow their instruction but not their example. Rather, He, went on to describe what they were doing in their instruction and law-creating. He described their actions as putting a heavy load on the back of a man, then refusing to lift so much as a finger to help them carry that load.
When Jesus saw the Pharisees, He saw cruelty and injustice at its very worst.
The approach of the scribes and Pharisees, of the really religious, disgusted our Heavenly Father. It did not merely disappoint Him. It did not impress Him that people were so capable of playing both sides of the aisle. Rather, it was a source of anger.
If we just leave this as a story of a historical group years ago, it has relatively no impact except to skew our view of that particular group. However, that is not the fullness of the instruction that comes from this passage.
We have to realize that there are still modern-day scribes and Pharisees. In fact, we have churches full of them. We have pastorates that have been seized by them. They are typically those that demand all the glory and attention. They are still the ones that determine the rules, but then refuse to follow them.
Let me ask you a question. For those that have taken a position against Christ and His church, what is their typical argument for not becoming involved? It typically goes something like, “You know all of those people are just hypocrites anyway. Why would I want to be with them?” Anyone ever heard that before?
So many times we look at it and say, “Well, that is just their excuse.” I agree. That is an excuse that often guards investigation of deeper issues. However, the problem is this: the hypocrisy that they see in the church is not created in their minds. Rather, it is a real problem in Christ's church.
We could point to the pew, and I believe that the game-playing is there, but I want you to realize the extent of the problem. It is not a problem where we can stand in the pulpit and point fingers. Instead, that same approach, that same arrogance and hypocrisy has filled the pulpit as well.
Did you know, 33% of pastors admit to inappropriate sexual behavior with a church member? 20% openly admit to having an affair. 50% of pastor's marriages will end in divorce. 80% of pastor's wives wish that their husbands would have chosen a different profession. And 1500 pastors leave the pastorate every month because of moral failure, burnout, or contention in the church.
Yet, Sunday after Sunday there are pastors filling their time with instruction about fidelity, God's expectation for marriage, and the joy that comes from serving God. Does anyone see the hypocrisy that must be evident to the outside world? We give instruction, but then don't follow it. We have modern-day Pharisees.
But then we have to consider the picture of those that add unnecessary weight. We look at those that want to make the rules. Once again, we could point to pulpit and pew alike. We have manipulated and amended the Word of God in many cases to create unnecessary and unBiblical rules. Then there are times when we are guilty of judgmentalism for things that are not Biblical precedent, but merely our preference.
We like rules. They make us comfortable. They give us structure. However, when Scripture is concise, direct, or even silent, we are not given the liberty to create for ourselves new rules.
When Jesus saw the religious, He noted their approach. He noted their hypocrisy and legalism. He then pointed out their...
2.) Appearance (v. 5)
“But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments.”
Often, we talk about God not looking on appearance, but seeing to the motivation and intention of the heart. However, I believe that this particular passage teaches us that He notices when the attitudes of our heart make an impact on our physical appearance.
The problem with the scribes and Pharisees was their overwhelming, consuming desire to simply be bigger and better than everyone else.
They were determined to be lords in their rule and regalia alike.
I know that we have mentioned the phylacteries before. Devout Jews would rise early in the morning and begin their ritual recitations. Part of that process involved wrapping phylacteries, or long leather straps, around their foreheads and their arms. Those straps had leather cubes that contained parchment with Scripture on it. And often, attendance at morning temple worship was done while wearing this paraphernalia.
This was a very visible sign to those in the community around them. It was a way that they could silently declare their love and devotion of Jehovah.
This practice in and of itself was widely practiced and anything but out of the ordinary. However, the problem came in the manipulation of the scribes and Pharisees. Rather than being focused on God and their service to Him, they were consumed by the desire to bring attention to themselves.
So rather than being like all of the other Jews around them, they would have their phylacteries widened so that it would physically appear that they would more important and more devout Jews.
The tassels were worn on the four corners of the garment, including the prayer shawl. It was a form of obedience to instruction in both Numbers and Deuteronomy. However, like the phylacteries, they had their clothing altered to draw attention to themselves.
They thought that they were perceived as more devout and obedient because their physical adornments were made more noticeable.
Now, we look at this, and might even fight the urge to chuckle. I mean, really? You look more devout because your leather straps are bigger and your tassels are longer?
While we might have the urge to shake our heads, things still have not changed.
The fact is simple. There are still scores of people, playing the game, that wake up on Sunday morning and determine what they are going to wear based on what others will think of them in it.
Let me ask you a little question. This is something I have really struggled with in accepting the teaching of certain televangelists. What is the difference between a $1200 suit, and a $200 suit? I've never owned a $1200 suit, so someone that has would probably consider this a ridiculous question. Surely the design, the materials, the craftsmanship should all be better. (And I realize that the difference is $1000.) But what is the purpose, really?
Perhaps a better question is: How many Christians have a completely different, and far more lavish wardrobe set aside for the sole purpose of playing church? But, why?
Quite simply, counterfeit Christianity, and those consumed by religious elitism somehow view it as a form of superiority. We are still concerned, and at times consumed, by the appearance of being religious.
Maybe its not the wardrobe. Maybe its the Bible. Or the tithe envelope. Or some other thing that is flaunted for the purpose of drawing personal attention. I believe that this issue went beyond the fabric on the back. Instead, it once again spoke to an attitude of the heart.
Jesus noted their approach, their appearance, and lastly, we must recognize their...
3.) Assignment (v. 6-12)
“They love the place of honor at banquets and chief seats in the synagogues, and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men. But do not be called Rabbit; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”
The Pharisees always reserved the very best for themselves. They wore the lavish attire. They demanded the seats of prominence and honor at banquets and in the synagogue. They even relished the attention and admiration that was received in the marketplace.
In short, these men demanded honor and respect. They accepted nothing less than the glory they believed they were due, and even coveted the admiration of those around them. They assigned to themselves honor and glory.
Once again, this is an attitude that we can find within the walls of almost any church today. And while I wish that I could say otherwise, it is something that has plagued many pastors.
I remember when I first started in the ministry, I received all kinds of encouragement from fellow clergymen that believed that I need to “assert my authority.” Now the thought of me and that phrase in the same sentence almost seems funny to me. I could be wrong, but I don't view myself as the domineering leader. In fact, there have probably been many times where I should have stood more firmly and been more vocal in my leadership.
However, there is a problem and tendency that I find in the lives of God's people when it comes to “asserting authority.” I believe that there are those that do it to merely provide instruction and direction. I believe that there are times in life when it is necessary. (We could quote a number of hypothetical work situations where a boss would be needed to assert some authority.) However, I'm afraid that many times that authority evolves. It begins to mutate into an attitude of supremacy. It begins to transform into an attitude of entitlement where someone feels that they are owed respect and adoration. It happens in pew and pulpit alike.
The Pharisees assigned glory and honor to themselves, and there are still many in the church that do the same. It is not just the clergy. Rather, there are plenty of times when we find ourselves entertaining the urge to declare our authority and demand prominence.
We want to be in charge and at the center of everything.
The Pharisees demanded respect, yet Jesus explained what their reward would be.
Jesus saw through the heart of the Pharisees. He saw that they were merely playing games. They were in it for what they could get out of it. They were consumed not with a love of God, but a love for themselves.
And so Jesus taught the crowds and His disciples about their true reward. For the Pharisees, they had already received their reward. The attention and respect that they received from man was the fullness of their inheritance. And because they exalted themselves, it would ultimately cause them to be humbled in the end.
We need to view this description as both an insight and a warning. I believe that Jesus gives us a picture of those that play games with religion instead of pursuing a relationship with Himself that transcends time. Yet, he also couples that unfavorable picture with a divine warning.
For those in this life that are merely concerned with looking religious, be forewarned, the attention that you garner now is the fullness of your reward.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that there are going to be many people that stand before the Great White Throne judgment that argue, “Well, I was very zealous for the Law. I was in church every Sunday. I made certain to tithe regularly. I wore a suit to church. I was even a Sunday school teacher.” I'm afraid there are going to be those that present those very arguments that are going to have to hear, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.”
It is not enough to be religious. It is still errant to be very religious. We are called to be real in our relationship with God.
This morning, you might say, “Well, preacher, I battle with some of those things. Does that mean that I am not a true believer? Does that mean that I am going to miss heaven?” No. That is not what I am saying. Rather, these are just symptoms of a larger problem.
It is possible to be a fervent believer that battles with arrogance or pride. It is possible to be a true believer and struggle with selfishness and a desire for attention. And the true believer will be willing to repent and seek God's guidance and strength.
However, if there is nothing more to your spiritual life than the desire to look good to others and promote yourself, I'm afraid you are setting yourself up for disappointment in eternity.
Jesus is not impressed with how religious you are. He does not care how many rules you keep. He does not put a star by your name for every time you pass through the doors of His church. However, He does require a real relationship with Himself if you hope to inherit eternal life.
Please don't be fooled this morning. The last thing this world needs is more religion. The Pharisees used religion to promote themselves. This world, and each of us, need a relationship with Jesus. It is not possible to promote yourself in a relationship with Him. When you see yourself next to Him, you merely realize how gracious and good He is to give you an opportunity for a relationship. You then realize that it is not about you, but Him.
So how would you characterize yourself? Religious? Really Religious? Or are you involved in a real relationship with Christ?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I Should Want to be FAT?
I am going to begin posting at least one of my sermons each week. My brother in Christ, Dave, has just finished a series entitled "What goes into a sermon," and has reminded me of our opportunities to share between Christian brothers and sisters the thoughts, processes, and messages that God has placed on our minds and lips.
While I hope that this could spark a "discussion board-like" page, I'm also posting these so that my lovely wife can see what I'm preaching while she is chasing children during church! :)
This is from Montrose Baptist Church's AM worship service on August 16, 2009.
Please be forewarned, this is written very closely to the way I would audibly present the message. It is Not a formal written copy free of typographical errors.
Years ago, a small Chinese boy who wanted to learn about jade went to study with a talented old teacher. This gentle man put a piece of the precious stone in his hand and told him to hold it tight. Then he began to talk about philospophy, men and women, the earth, the sun, and just about everything under the sun. After an hour, he took the stone back and sent the boy home. The same process was repeated for several weeks. The young boy began to become frustrated. When would he learn about the jade?
The young boy was too meek and polite, however, to question the wisdom of this talented old man. Then one day, as before, the old man put a piece of stone in his hands.
Before he could even think, he instinctively cried out, “That's not jade!”
Because of the boys familiarity with the authentic stone, he immediately recognized an imposter, a fake, a counterfeit.
This morning, I have relatively little concern with the feel or consistency of a piece of jade. However, I am concerned that something doesn't feel right in the church. There is something different, something foreign, with the form of Christianity that many in our country, and our churches for that matter, have embraced.
I truly wonder if God were to follow the same process as that little boy if He too would cry counterfeit as He holds the modern church in His hand.
Now, don't disagree just yet. I realize that there are scores of true believers who follow God with all of their heart and those that truly desire to please God in all that they do. I understand that there are still those that have truly surrendered their all.
However, even with that understanding, even knowing that there is still a true church, I'm afraid that there are far too many that are lost and don't even know it. I'm afraid that there are too many that have been conned into believing that Christianity is an addition, or an ammenity to be tacked on to life. And they miss out on the fact that Christianity is not “church.” It is not merely making an appearance. It is not even having a name on a roll. Christianity is an all-consuming lifestyle.
And while I believe that it is obvious, as evidenced by the state of the church, that the church has been infiltrated by counterfeit believers, we cannot merely make a condemnation. Rather, I want to try to present a concise picture of what an authentic Christian looks like. It is our goal this morning to identify three sweeping characeristics of the authentic Christian.
As we try to find that picture and definition, we are going to look at Paul's second letter to Timothy.
Read text. (2 Timothy 2:14-26)
This letter is for the purpose of “passing the baton” to Timothy. It is late in Paul's life and ministry, and he is essentially appointing a successor to carry on the work that he started. Through this letter, through his instruction to this young preacher, we actually find a model for the Christian servant- and thus a sweepting model for all Christians.
As we try to dissect this part of his instruction, we could find more to address than time would allow this morning. However, we are going to make certain that things stay simple.
If I could define an authentic Christian in any one word it would not be joyful, triumphant, blessed, or jubilant- even though it includes all of those things. If I could narrow it down to one word, I believe that a Ugandan pastor summed it up best. True Christians, authentic Christians are... FAT.
Now, if that is the case, I believe that I may be more saved than you all. And Southern Baptists would definitely fit into that category with our love of covered dish fellowships. However, that is not what he meant at all. FAT stands for Faithful, Available, and Teachable. True, authentic Christians are FAT.
I believe that our passage communicates that very truth at its core.
First, if we follow Paul's instruction to Timothy, we must be...
1.) Faithful
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and correctly handles the word of truth.”
In order to present ourselves as approved workmen that don't have need for shame, we must prove to be faithful.
Let me ask you a question, everyone of us in this room have a superior of some shape or form. It might be a congregation, a supervisor, stockholders, or even a customer base. What would it communicate to your employer or customer if you were undependable? What would they think if they really had no clue as to whether or not you were going to bother to show up, or stand behind your work?
Ultimately, it would eventually bring shame on you and your reputation.
What does it communicate to our Heavenly Father when we are swayed by every tide of society? What does it tell Him when we are not faithful to stand behind the promises that we made to Him? What does it say about you and I when we allow other things to take priority over the commitments that we made- not to each other, but to God?
Once again, unfaithfulness is cause for shame.
Now, we all understand what it means to be faithful. It means that you are dependable. You are trustworthy. You are a man or woman of you word. Circumstances do not dictate your belief or allegiance, you stand true regardless of what it costs. That is faithfulness. We, as Christians, are taught that we are expected to be faithful. However, we need to dictate a little more precisely the areas that we are called to be faithful in.
We are called to be faithful in STUDY.
Most of you are probably more familiar with this passage in the King James translation. It says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
The KJV translation urges Timothy to study- to invest, inquire, to store up knowledge. If you and I are authentic Christians, we must be found faithful in our study.
Now, I am not saying that you have to spend eighteen hours a day in Bible study like Jonathan Edwards. However, does it say something to us when the average church member in the body of Christ doesn't even bother to bring a Bible to church?
Now, I understand that I am not the judge, and the church corporate is not accountable to me. But do we really want to pretend that we are studying at home when we don't even bother to bring God's Word to His house?
We must be faithful in our study. We must also be faithful in our SERVICE.
I'm sure that there are those of you already thinking, “The nominating committee is trying to fill positions for next year. Here goes the preacher's push for more workers.”
However, that is not my motivation. If I could be so honest, we should never have to beg and plead for people to serve. Rather, we ought to be ready to go to work out of the overflow of the joy and purpose that Christ gives to our lives.We must be found faithful in our service.
Let me ask you this simple question: What would have happened if the great men and women of old had not been faithful in their service of the gospel? What would this world look like if Billy Graham never opened his mouth or held a crusade? What would the world's landscape look like now if William Carey had not been faithful to “father modern missions?” What if he simply had not gone to India? What if translators had never bothered to translate the manuscripts into a language we can understand? What if men like Luther never stood up against corruption in the church?
We don't want to imagine where we would be had those men not been faithful in their service. However, we need to stop and consider for just a moment where we are going to be in the next twenty years if God's people do not determine to be faithful in their service of Him.
We are expected to be faithful in our service. We are expected to tell, to train, to teach, to serve. Authentic Christianity demands that we show ourselves approved and that our service should not spark shame.
In addition to being faithful in service, we must also consider our SPEECH.
Part of the faithfulness expected in an authentic Christian lifestyle is found in the control of the tongue.
Farther down in verse 23, it says, “Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.”
I understand that we are never going to be perfect. I realize that we are going to struggle with the tongue. There are still plenty of times when I will say something and realize that I should have just kept my mouth shut. There are times when I end up in a dispute that has little or no meaning. However, we are expected to be faithful in the use of our tongue.
We are expected to openly share the message of Christ through proclamation. And we are commended to learn restraint with its other uses.
We should be faithful in our study, our service, our speech, and even our STANDARDS.
While we should not waver in our actions, I firmly believe that we are expected to be fatihful to God's standard as well. We are expected to call right, right and wrong, wrong. We are expected to be faithful in our lifestyles to the fullness of His instruction.
Now, this is not a politically motivated sermon. However, I'm afraid that we have serious cause to question to authenticity of Christianity in America. And one of the ways that I know that is because of the directions that we are heading as a nation. Let me explain. 83% of Americans identified themselves as “Christian” in an ABCNews poll. However, when comparing to that 83% that claim to be Christian, did you know that according to NBC and ABC news polls, more than 55% of the country believes that abortion is OK. If we continue on, it has been suggested that 42% of the nation supports gay marriage. And if I could go even further, 53% of our nation voted for a man whose idea of government could not be farther from the Biblical model.
Now, I am not mislead about the errancy of statistics. I realize that people can make them say whatever they want. However, the fact that they can find so many Americans who call themselves Christians, but then stand against the standards of the word of God, leave me with some serious concerns.
We are expected to be faithful- in our study, our service, our speech, our standards.
While authentic Christians are faithful, they must also be...
2.) Available
“If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
Paul urges Timothy to cleanse himself and to be prepared to be used as an instrument in God's hand. He basically tells him, you need to be pure and ready. You need to be available for God's purposes.
Now, we know through history that Timothy proved himself to be ready and available. The success and growth of the church was due in some parts to his ministry and availability.
As fellow believers, we are not only expected to be faithful in our service- to be steadfast in it, but we are also expected to be available for it.
I know that you have probably heard my story until you are “blue in the face.” You can probably almost quote my own testimony back to me. However, I am a prime example of a believer that overlooked the expectation of availability.
Sure, I was substituting in Sunday school classes. Sure, Emily and I were teaching the youth's Sunday night class. I was at the church for every function that you could possibly imagine. But for all practical purposes, I was not available.
You see, God had not directed me to take all of those different positions. He was not calling me to serve on fourteen different committees- or to direct this and that. Rather, He was calling me to the gospel ministry. He was calling me to preach and, for all practical purposes, I told God, “I'm busy.”
I kept responding with, “As soon as I finish school, as soon as Emily and I are set, as soon as Emily graduates and finds a job, I'll serve you.”
Here is the problem: He did not instruct me to serve Him at my convenience or even according to my plan. He simply demanded that I be available.
Now, I realize that there are many of you in this room whose schedules are infinitely more crowded than mine. I understand that you have jobs and families and responsibilities. However, authentic Christianity demands that you be available for His service at any time.
Catch that! It means that you be available for His service at any time. It does not mean that you must serve on a committee beause you've been guilted into it. It does not mean that because the preacher thinks you need to do something that the answer ought to be “Yes!” Rather, it means that when God calls, we must be ready and willing to go to work- at that moment.
Just look at the calling of the disciples. Look at what Christianity meant for them. It translated into what we've been talking about. It meant availability.
Matthew 5:18-20 is that record. It says, “As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once, they left their nets and followed Him.”
When Jesus called them to come after Himself- which is the essence of Christianity, they were expected to be immediately available.
The problem is that much of the church- not just Montrose, but the Christian church is checked out to lunch. They are not available for service. We've taught people that the Christian life is all about them and what they can get out of it. We've raised a generation of pew-fillers that don't realize the necessity of service.
We could nearly pick a church at random to fit our example. For example, there are churches that run between 250-300 on Sunday morning that have debated whether or not to cancel childrens' and nursery programs because they cannot find anyone willing to work! Now, there is something wrong with that. In fact, as Christians, we should consider that downright shameful!
Unfortunately, we cannot point a finger. The fact is that it is the same here as everywhere else.
If we hope to be found true Christians, we must be available.
We should be faithful, available, and lastly...
3.) Teachable
“And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
While this passage does not expressly state that we are to be teachable, all of the imagery points to that overriding characteristic.
Let me explain. It says that the Lord's servant must not quarrel. Why do we tend to quarrel? Because we believe that we have nothing to learn, and we are right.
He says he must not be resentful. Why do so many Christians- particularly clergy become resentful? Because they wish that other people knew as much as they did. Rather than teaching and helping, it becomes a matter of superiority and self-righteousness.
The passage does directly say that you should be able to teach. Now, this is going to take a few more moments to deal with. Certainly not everyone is given the spiritual gift of teaching. Not everyone in this room is called to serve as a Sunday school teacher, nor will we all organize a seminar where we teach other people.
With that being said, the reality is this: As a Christian believer, you should have the ability to teach- in some measure, because of the life and experiences that you have enjoyed in Christ Jesus.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Carl Gene made the comment in our opening assembly as he looked around that he didn't see one person in the room that was not capable of filling a role. As believers, we must all be willing to teach when God presents that opportunity.
With the understanding of our qualifications to teach- in some fashion, there is another understanding we must have when it comes to the instruction “able to teach.”
Let me make this statement, and you fill in the blank. Before you can be a leader, you must learn to ______ (follow). Before you walk, you have to learn to _______ (crawl). Before you can teach, you must first be ________ (taught).
Paul encouraged Timothy that he must be able and ready to teach. However, in order to serve in that faculty, he had to first spend time as a student. He had to learn before he could teach.
Much of this morning, you've already heard before. However, I believe that there are times when we need to be reminded.
My favorite professor in my serminary experience, Dr. Pratt, once told us, “If you stop learning today, you stop teaching tomorrow.”
If we are called to serve God faithfully, if we are going to be available and willing to be teachers of His word, we must not abandon our quest for spiritual growth. We must have a teachable spirit.
Let me ask you, do you know someone that just knows it all? You know, that person that apparently needs not to spend any more time in study because they have all the answers.
Unfortunately, that is rampant within the church. After all, if we truly understood our need for guidance and growth, we would be more faithful in our searching of God's Word.
I'm afraid that too much of the church has gotten comfortable on what they've been taught, and don't feel as if they need to dig anymore.
If we are going to be God-fearing, Christ-pleasing, authentic Christians, we must possess that teachable Spirit.
Authentic Christians are faithful. They are available. And lastly, they are teachable.
Like we suggested earlier, authentic Christians are fat.
Let me ask you this morning, without considering your figure or your eating habits, how FAT are you?
Are you proving faithful? Are you actively available? Are you still teachable?
While I hope that this could spark a "discussion board-like" page, I'm also posting these so that my lovely wife can see what I'm preaching while she is chasing children during church! :)
This is from Montrose Baptist Church's AM worship service on August 16, 2009.
Please be forewarned, this is written very closely to the way I would audibly present the message. It is Not a formal written copy free of typographical errors.
Years ago, a small Chinese boy who wanted to learn about jade went to study with a talented old teacher. This gentle man put a piece of the precious stone in his hand and told him to hold it tight. Then he began to talk about philospophy, men and women, the earth, the sun, and just about everything under the sun. After an hour, he took the stone back and sent the boy home. The same process was repeated for several weeks. The young boy began to become frustrated. When would he learn about the jade?
The young boy was too meek and polite, however, to question the wisdom of this talented old man. Then one day, as before, the old man put a piece of stone in his hands.
Before he could even think, he instinctively cried out, “That's not jade!”
Because of the boys familiarity with the authentic stone, he immediately recognized an imposter, a fake, a counterfeit.
This morning, I have relatively little concern with the feel or consistency of a piece of jade. However, I am concerned that something doesn't feel right in the church. There is something different, something foreign, with the form of Christianity that many in our country, and our churches for that matter, have embraced.
I truly wonder if God were to follow the same process as that little boy if He too would cry counterfeit as He holds the modern church in His hand.
Now, don't disagree just yet. I realize that there are scores of true believers who follow God with all of their heart and those that truly desire to please God in all that they do. I understand that there are still those that have truly surrendered their all.
However, even with that understanding, even knowing that there is still a true church, I'm afraid that there are far too many that are lost and don't even know it. I'm afraid that there are too many that have been conned into believing that Christianity is an addition, or an ammenity to be tacked on to life. And they miss out on the fact that Christianity is not “church.” It is not merely making an appearance. It is not even having a name on a roll. Christianity is an all-consuming lifestyle.
And while I believe that it is obvious, as evidenced by the state of the church, that the church has been infiltrated by counterfeit believers, we cannot merely make a condemnation. Rather, I want to try to present a concise picture of what an authentic Christian looks like. It is our goal this morning to identify three sweeping characeristics of the authentic Christian.
As we try to find that picture and definition, we are going to look at Paul's second letter to Timothy.
Read text. (2 Timothy 2:14-26)
This letter is for the purpose of “passing the baton” to Timothy. It is late in Paul's life and ministry, and he is essentially appointing a successor to carry on the work that he started. Through this letter, through his instruction to this young preacher, we actually find a model for the Christian servant- and thus a sweepting model for all Christians.
As we try to dissect this part of his instruction, we could find more to address than time would allow this morning. However, we are going to make certain that things stay simple.
If I could define an authentic Christian in any one word it would not be joyful, triumphant, blessed, or jubilant- even though it includes all of those things. If I could narrow it down to one word, I believe that a Ugandan pastor summed it up best. True Christians, authentic Christians are... FAT.
Now, if that is the case, I believe that I may be more saved than you all. And Southern Baptists would definitely fit into that category with our love of covered dish fellowships. However, that is not what he meant at all. FAT stands for Faithful, Available, and Teachable. True, authentic Christians are FAT.
I believe that our passage communicates that very truth at its core.
First, if we follow Paul's instruction to Timothy, we must be...
1.) Faithful
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and correctly handles the word of truth.”
In order to present ourselves as approved workmen that don't have need for shame, we must prove to be faithful.
Let me ask you a question, everyone of us in this room have a superior of some shape or form. It might be a congregation, a supervisor, stockholders, or even a customer base. What would it communicate to your employer or customer if you were undependable? What would they think if they really had no clue as to whether or not you were going to bother to show up, or stand behind your work?
Ultimately, it would eventually bring shame on you and your reputation.
What does it communicate to our Heavenly Father when we are swayed by every tide of society? What does it tell Him when we are not faithful to stand behind the promises that we made to Him? What does it say about you and I when we allow other things to take priority over the commitments that we made- not to each other, but to God?
Once again, unfaithfulness is cause for shame.
Now, we all understand what it means to be faithful. It means that you are dependable. You are trustworthy. You are a man or woman of you word. Circumstances do not dictate your belief or allegiance, you stand true regardless of what it costs. That is faithfulness. We, as Christians, are taught that we are expected to be faithful. However, we need to dictate a little more precisely the areas that we are called to be faithful in.
We are called to be faithful in STUDY.
Most of you are probably more familiar with this passage in the King James translation. It says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
The KJV translation urges Timothy to study- to invest, inquire, to store up knowledge. If you and I are authentic Christians, we must be found faithful in our study.
Now, I am not saying that you have to spend eighteen hours a day in Bible study like Jonathan Edwards. However, does it say something to us when the average church member in the body of Christ doesn't even bother to bring a Bible to church?
Now, I understand that I am not the judge, and the church corporate is not accountable to me. But do we really want to pretend that we are studying at home when we don't even bother to bring God's Word to His house?
We must be faithful in our study. We must also be faithful in our SERVICE.
I'm sure that there are those of you already thinking, “The nominating committee is trying to fill positions for next year. Here goes the preacher's push for more workers.”
However, that is not my motivation. If I could be so honest, we should never have to beg and plead for people to serve. Rather, we ought to be ready to go to work out of the overflow of the joy and purpose that Christ gives to our lives.We must be found faithful in our service.
Let me ask you this simple question: What would have happened if the great men and women of old had not been faithful in their service of the gospel? What would this world look like if Billy Graham never opened his mouth or held a crusade? What would the world's landscape look like now if William Carey had not been faithful to “father modern missions?” What if he simply had not gone to India? What if translators had never bothered to translate the manuscripts into a language we can understand? What if men like Luther never stood up against corruption in the church?
We don't want to imagine where we would be had those men not been faithful in their service. However, we need to stop and consider for just a moment where we are going to be in the next twenty years if God's people do not determine to be faithful in their service of Him.
We are expected to be faithful in our service. We are expected to tell, to train, to teach, to serve. Authentic Christianity demands that we show ourselves approved and that our service should not spark shame.
In addition to being faithful in service, we must also consider our SPEECH.
Part of the faithfulness expected in an authentic Christian lifestyle is found in the control of the tongue.
Farther down in verse 23, it says, “Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.”
I understand that we are never going to be perfect. I realize that we are going to struggle with the tongue. There are still plenty of times when I will say something and realize that I should have just kept my mouth shut. There are times when I end up in a dispute that has little or no meaning. However, we are expected to be faithful in the use of our tongue.
We are expected to openly share the message of Christ through proclamation. And we are commended to learn restraint with its other uses.
We should be faithful in our study, our service, our speech, and even our STANDARDS.
While we should not waver in our actions, I firmly believe that we are expected to be fatihful to God's standard as well. We are expected to call right, right and wrong, wrong. We are expected to be faithful in our lifestyles to the fullness of His instruction.
Now, this is not a politically motivated sermon. However, I'm afraid that we have serious cause to question to authenticity of Christianity in America. And one of the ways that I know that is because of the directions that we are heading as a nation. Let me explain. 83% of Americans identified themselves as “Christian” in an ABCNews poll. However, when comparing to that 83% that claim to be Christian, did you know that according to NBC and ABC news polls, more than 55% of the country believes that abortion is OK. If we continue on, it has been suggested that 42% of the nation supports gay marriage. And if I could go even further, 53% of our nation voted for a man whose idea of government could not be farther from the Biblical model.
Now, I am not mislead about the errancy of statistics. I realize that people can make them say whatever they want. However, the fact that they can find so many Americans who call themselves Christians, but then stand against the standards of the word of God, leave me with some serious concerns.
We are expected to be faithful- in our study, our service, our speech, our standards.
While authentic Christians are faithful, they must also be...
2.) Available
“If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
Paul urges Timothy to cleanse himself and to be prepared to be used as an instrument in God's hand. He basically tells him, you need to be pure and ready. You need to be available for God's purposes.
Now, we know through history that Timothy proved himself to be ready and available. The success and growth of the church was due in some parts to his ministry and availability.
As fellow believers, we are not only expected to be faithful in our service- to be steadfast in it, but we are also expected to be available for it.
I know that you have probably heard my story until you are “blue in the face.” You can probably almost quote my own testimony back to me. However, I am a prime example of a believer that overlooked the expectation of availability.
Sure, I was substituting in Sunday school classes. Sure, Emily and I were teaching the youth's Sunday night class. I was at the church for every function that you could possibly imagine. But for all practical purposes, I was not available.
You see, God had not directed me to take all of those different positions. He was not calling me to serve on fourteen different committees- or to direct this and that. Rather, He was calling me to the gospel ministry. He was calling me to preach and, for all practical purposes, I told God, “I'm busy.”
I kept responding with, “As soon as I finish school, as soon as Emily and I are set, as soon as Emily graduates and finds a job, I'll serve you.”
Here is the problem: He did not instruct me to serve Him at my convenience or even according to my plan. He simply demanded that I be available.
Now, I realize that there are many of you in this room whose schedules are infinitely more crowded than mine. I understand that you have jobs and families and responsibilities. However, authentic Christianity demands that you be available for His service at any time.
Catch that! It means that you be available for His service at any time. It does not mean that you must serve on a committee beause you've been guilted into it. It does not mean that because the preacher thinks you need to do something that the answer ought to be “Yes!” Rather, it means that when God calls, we must be ready and willing to go to work- at that moment.
Just look at the calling of the disciples. Look at what Christianity meant for them. It translated into what we've been talking about. It meant availability.
Matthew 5:18-20 is that record. It says, “As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' At once, they left their nets and followed Him.”
When Jesus called them to come after Himself- which is the essence of Christianity, they were expected to be immediately available.
The problem is that much of the church- not just Montrose, but the Christian church is checked out to lunch. They are not available for service. We've taught people that the Christian life is all about them and what they can get out of it. We've raised a generation of pew-fillers that don't realize the necessity of service.
We could nearly pick a church at random to fit our example. For example, there are churches that run between 250-300 on Sunday morning that have debated whether or not to cancel childrens' and nursery programs because they cannot find anyone willing to work! Now, there is something wrong with that. In fact, as Christians, we should consider that downright shameful!
Unfortunately, we cannot point a finger. The fact is that it is the same here as everywhere else.
If we hope to be found true Christians, we must be available.
We should be faithful, available, and lastly...
3.) Teachable
“And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”
While this passage does not expressly state that we are to be teachable, all of the imagery points to that overriding characteristic.
Let me explain. It says that the Lord's servant must not quarrel. Why do we tend to quarrel? Because we believe that we have nothing to learn, and we are right.
He says he must not be resentful. Why do so many Christians- particularly clergy become resentful? Because they wish that other people knew as much as they did. Rather than teaching and helping, it becomes a matter of superiority and self-righteousness.
The passage does directly say that you should be able to teach. Now, this is going to take a few more moments to deal with. Certainly not everyone is given the spiritual gift of teaching. Not everyone in this room is called to serve as a Sunday school teacher, nor will we all organize a seminar where we teach other people.
With that being said, the reality is this: As a Christian believer, you should have the ability to teach- in some measure, because of the life and experiences that you have enjoyed in Christ Jesus.
Just a couple of weeks ago, Carl Gene made the comment in our opening assembly as he looked around that he didn't see one person in the room that was not capable of filling a role. As believers, we must all be willing to teach when God presents that opportunity.
With the understanding of our qualifications to teach- in some fashion, there is another understanding we must have when it comes to the instruction “able to teach.”
Let me make this statement, and you fill in the blank. Before you can be a leader, you must learn to ______ (follow). Before you walk, you have to learn to _______ (crawl). Before you can teach, you must first be ________ (taught).
Paul encouraged Timothy that he must be able and ready to teach. However, in order to serve in that faculty, he had to first spend time as a student. He had to learn before he could teach.
Much of this morning, you've already heard before. However, I believe that there are times when we need to be reminded.
My favorite professor in my serminary experience, Dr. Pratt, once told us, “If you stop learning today, you stop teaching tomorrow.”
If we are called to serve God faithfully, if we are going to be available and willing to be teachers of His word, we must not abandon our quest for spiritual growth. We must have a teachable spirit.
Let me ask you, do you know someone that just knows it all? You know, that person that apparently needs not to spend any more time in study because they have all the answers.
Unfortunately, that is rampant within the church. After all, if we truly understood our need for guidance and growth, we would be more faithful in our searching of God's Word.
I'm afraid that too much of the church has gotten comfortable on what they've been taught, and don't feel as if they need to dig anymore.
If we are going to be God-fearing, Christ-pleasing, authentic Christians, we must possess that teachable Spirit.
Authentic Christians are faithful. They are available. And lastly, they are teachable.
Like we suggested earlier, authentic Christians are fat.
Let me ask you this morning, without considering your figure or your eating habits, how FAT are you?
Are you proving faithful? Are you actively available? Are you still teachable?
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